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spant|avstånd        860        spar|premie

frame; (mittelhäck-) horn-timber; (nollkryss-)

main frame, midship-frame; (flyg.) rib; byggt ~

built frame; djupt ~ deep frame; fast ~

fixed frame; jogglat (stukat) ~ joggled frame;

skevning av ~ frame-bevelling; ~avstånd

frame spacing, spacing of frames; ~bockning

frame bending; ~bocknings maskin

rib-bending machine; ~bricka frame-bracket;

~byggnad frame structure (system);

~dimensioner scantling of frames (timbers);

~järn frame angle bar; ~konsol

frame-bracket; ~lask; täpp i ~ task frame-butt;

~linje frame line; ~längd girth of a vessel;

~mall frame mould; ~mellanlägg (vid

ytterstråk etc.) frame-liner; ~omkrets girth;

~resning frame structure; ~ring frame of

timbers; ~ritning, ~ruta body plan;

~ruteuppläggning body planning; ~stöttor

shoring of frames

spara to save [up], to economize [on], to lay

(put) by; to retrench, to cut down; (äv.) to

spare; ~ to economize (cut down) on,

to make sparing use of, to use sparingly,

to spare, to use economically, to go easy on

sparagmit (min.) sparagmite

sparande saving; (äv.) thrift; (mera konkr.)

[volume of] savings; en ökning i det privata ~t

a rise (an increase) in private saving[s];

frivilligt ~ voluntary (non-compulsory) saving;

investering och ~, brutt~, i procent av

bruttonationalprodukten till marknadspris percentage

share of gross investments and gross savings

in the gross national product at market prices;

obligatoriskt ~ compulsory saving; personligt ~

personal (private, individual) saving[s];

uppmuntra ~t to encourage saving; ~bortfall

loss (reduction) of (in) savings; ~minskning

reduction in savings; ~synpunkt; ur

osynpunkt from the point of view of saving;

~ökning; skenbar ~ökning ~apparent increase

of savings

spar|are saver; depositor; ~avtal savings


sparbank savings bank; Soernas Bankaktiebolag

the Commercial Banking Company of the

Swedish Savings Banks; Soernas

Förhandlingsorganisation, SFO the Negotiation Board of

the Swedish Savings Banks; Soernas

Inteckningsaktiebolag the Mortgage Company of the

Swedish Savings Banks; Stockholms iJins S~

the Stockholm County Savings Bank;

Stockholms S~ the Stockholm Savings Bank

sparbanks|avdelning savings bank department

(section); ~bok savings [-bank] (depositor’s)

book (passbook); ~direktör Savings Bank

Manager; Savings Banker; ~förbund; S~

förbundet i Finland r.f. the Savings Banks’

Association in Finland; ~förening;

Norrländska S~föreningen the Norrland Savings

Banks’ Association; Skånska S~föreningen the

Scanian Savings Banks’ Association; Svenska

S~föreningen the Swedish Savings Banks’

Association; ~inspektion; Kungl.

Soinspektionen the Royal Swedish Savings Banks

Inspection Board; ~lag Savings Bank Act

(Law); ~organisation savings bank

organization; ~revisor savings bank auditor

(accountant) ; ~rörelse; lag om ~rörelse Savings

Bank Act (Law); ~statistik savings banks

statistics; ~styrelse [the] board of directors

of a savings bank; ~tjänsteman savings

bank employee (clerk, officer, official);

~väsen savings bank system

spar|behållning balance of saving;

-benägenhet propensity to save; savings disposition

[of a single individual or other saving unit];

marginell ~benägenhet marginal propensity to

save; ~betmedel (tekn.) pickling inhibitor

(agent), restrainer, inhibitor; ~bevis savings

certificate; ~bildning; minskning av ~bildning

reduction in savings; ~bortfall loss

(reduction) of (in) savings; ~bössa coin bank,

(spargris) pig (piggy) bank; (äv.) home (small)

safe, savings-box, money-box; ~dag thrift

(savings) day; ~damm (flottn.) reservoir

(splash) dam; ~diod (elektron.) booster

([series-]efficiency) diode

spardäck (sjö.) spar deck; ~s|fartyg

spar-deck[ed] ship

spar|förrn type of saving; ~främjande; J"—

främjandet the Swedish Thrift Institute; the

Swedish Savings Banks’ Bureau for Economic

Information; Internationella ~främjandet the

International Thrift Institute, (förk.) ITI;

~försäkring savings (industrial) insurance;

~gris pig[gy]-bank; ~idé money-saving

idea; ~incitament incentive to save;

~inlåning savings deposits; ~institut thrift

(savings) institute (institution); Internationella

~institutet the International Thrift Institute,

(förk.) ITI; ~kampanj economy drive,

economy (savings) campaign; ~kapital

savings, savings (saved) capital, capital formed

by savings; ~kassa savings association

sparkasse|avdelning savings department;

bok savings [account] passbook, depositor’s

book; ~förening savings association

(society) ; Hyresgästernas S~. och Byggnadsföreningars

Riksförbund, HSB the National Association of

Tenants’ Savings and Building Societies;

~inlåning savings deposits; ~inlåningsräkning

savings [deposit] account; ~konto,

~räkning savings account; (äv.) thrift account;

indexbundna ~räkningar index-tied savings

accounts; inlåning ~räkning savings deposits

sparkcykel scooter

spar|klubb thrift (savings, slate) club, thrift

society, savings group; (äv.) Christmas

(vacation) club; annual dividing society; mutual

benefit society; ~kokplatta fuel-saving

hotplate; ~kommitté thrift committee;

~konkurrens savings competition; ~konto thrift

account; (okasseräkning) savings account;

~kopplad (el) auto-connected; ~koppling

(el) economizing circuit

spark|plåt kick-plate; ~sockel plinth [of a

bookcase], base [of a panel]; ~stötting (ung.)

skeleton sleigh, push chair

spar|kvot savings ratio; ~lån savings loan;

~medel savings; ~minskning reduction in

savings; ~motstånd (el) economizing

resistor; ~märke [post-office] savings-bank

stamp; (äv.) thrift-stamp; ~obligation

savings bond; (Br äv.) National Savings

certificate (token); ~pengar savings; ~plan

savings (austerity) plan; ~premie [incentive]

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