- Project Runeberg -  Ivar or the Skjuts-Boy /

(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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endeavours were fruitless. #Vhen Wirén called, about half-past
nine o’clock in the evening, fo make a fourth trial, Ivar met him
af the door, and in an unnatural composure of tone said,
" lçow I #ill go #rith you; but to-night we must together
%ake little Alfred home %o my room."
The assessor pressed lais hands in silence, and Ivar turned
toward Madame de Dressen. He wished fo thank the lady who
had nursed and attended his sick child like a mother, with so
much self-denial, and an almost uninterrupted loss of sleep and
%he comforts of life; but his words failed him, and he could only
%hank ber with looks. The speech of the eyes is often moro
expressive than th#t of the lips.
Toward morning the boy was conveyed fo a cool bower, which
#Wirén had caused fo be ruade close to a fisherman’s but, on the
beach of the occan, where the fresh sea air would allow the father
fo gaze upon the countenance of lais favourite for a few days longer.
#Ve need no# say anything of Ivar’s deep pain. If was, as is
the case usually with reserved people, silent and quiet. Grief
and sorrow hardly ever give vent fo #ords. It is only joy
which is communicative. Words are the echo of the voice
which speaks within the heart, and in #ords %his voice is doubly
resounding. A person filled with grief is not able fo double his
pain; but the gay man loves fo announce his joy fo others.
Borgenstierna was silent; and even when he stood, equipped
for a journey, in the reception room of the De ])ressens, he had
but little to say.
Wirén, with whom he was going, wished him fo hulTy, for
he observed %he violent excitement of both parties. ..&ftera few
but heartfelt words %o 1V[adame de I)ressen, and a more formal
expression of his thanks fo the lieutenant-colonel, Ivar approached
Amclia, who stood, uncommonly pale and silent, near the win-
dow, brushing a speck of dust from ber arm.
" #]:iss de Dressen," said Borgenstierna, in a lo# %one, and for
the firs# rime took ber hand in lais, "a mournful accident

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