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(1852) [MARC] Author: Emilie Flygare-Carlén Translator: Alex L. Krause
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"Of course, he bas been there the whole day. tte is so sad
that he sits there like a l#ainted picture, without moving af all.
]VIy mistress endeavours to console him, but he only shakes his
head, and Sl#eaks hot a word."
"Yes, there is much grief and sorrow la this world. If you
should find the lctter, bave the kindness fo take care of if. Did
De Goesse stay here long ?"
"O, yes, he staid with the lieutenant-colonel at lea#t an
]lollr? #
"If is all right," muttered Mademoiselle #N-ycl#tist; and ra##
rom#d to all ber acquaintances as fast as she was able, and every-
,«here the story ran thus: "I believe you lmve heard of the
horrible accident which bas befallen the Chamber]aia de Goesse.
They say that the poor man bas shot himself, because he received
the mitten from Miss de Dresscn this morning."
Withh half al# hour the report was spread throughout the
whole city; and as Mr. de Goesse had in truth hot been seen for
the #vhole day, if created quîte a stir, and arrangements were
ruade fo search for the body of the lost loyer ; when all at once,
af about nine o’clock in the evening, he arrived, safe in body and
limb, af the bridge, with hall a dozen wild ducks slung over his
g#m, which he carried over his shoulder.
"Welcome fo lire again, hlr. Chamberlain," resounded several
voices around him. "There bave been the most horrible
reports about you to-day in the city. If was said, as a truth,
you had started on a journey fo the other world."
With lais big and stupid eyes, De Goesse looked around thc
circle of his congratulators, and as the room echoed with a con-
tinual malicious laughter, he saw fit, for the sake of keeping his
honour and dignity, to make the following reply#
"I cannot hope that the gentlemen are pleased fo joke af my
"The Lord s#ve us! we bave, on the contrary, wept for you,"
said # gay lieutenant, #ho had sclueezed himself through the

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